Wednesday 4 August 2010

People who were just there.

Someone on my fb that I don't see enough left me a comment saying they missed me. And alot of memories from last year came flooding back. A particular one of me crying in the corner in someones room and he was just there, watching, confused, trying to cheer me up. He was always there and he didn't care what anyone else said. He was no doubt about it a complete mad bastard and I don't think I ever gave him enough credit for the amount of time he was willing to come and spend with a miserable shit like me. I think i became abit hardened and began to care less what I said about people towards the end...i feel as though I'm constantly learning something new every now and then..and I'm definatly progressing with it.

'Omg do you think that will stop her'
I keep thinking about that and yes you dumb bitch, i think it will. Not like you were there for me atall, even though before i left for england i said i was sorry i couldn't come see you (rediculous I was saying sorry to you for not seeing you ISNT IT). You were unbelievably sympathetic NA I THINK NOT. COMPLETE SARCASM. haha its funny because see your wee best friend, he slabbers non stop behind your back to people in my school still because they told me. I don't like him either because he's slabbered behind everyones back, including mine, even though i've been nothing but nice. And i've heard so much about you but I've never went around saying shit. I don't get involved in peoples shit. Fair enough i've let a few secrets slip but I've always said sorry for them. Where do you get off pretending you know me even though i havn't seen you in over a year? HOLD UP HOLD UP, arnt you the one running to me saying you think your pregnant with a random guy's baby every fucking week? Chyeaaa cause I'm so thick and don't know your slabbering about me and my situations and probably telling the whole fucking world. Most people never liked you, I'd be surprised if their still not all slabbering behind your back. I've never said a bad word about you til now, and hey, I'm still not. I'm just blogging my own thoughts afterall. But mate, I know i've fucked up but I try not to judge other people, just you get your head out of your ass before you end up taking the biggest shit on yourself.

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