Wednesday 18 August 2010

little known facts about me

I'm bored and felt a blog like this coming on.

I have exactly 7 my little ponies. 5 of which have names 'Princess Sidekick' 'Dizzle' 'Captain Daryl' 'Spike' and 'Glitters'
Most of my usernames for facebook, twitter, formspring etc. are called kittypurryyy, kitty purry is the name of katy perry's cat :)
I love animals so much. Right now i'd love a hamster, rabbit or a puppy again.
I had a dog named Charlie, he got ran over when he was 2 :(
If i were to get a bunny, id call it pancakes which is what Summer from the OC called her bunny in the show.
I have 2 cats, one called Acid, one called Tabs ;)
I am obsessed with pink hair, Audrey Kitching made that obsession undeniably worse. I feel happiest when my hair is pink :)
I dye my hair depending on my moods I think. I dye my hair an awful lot.
I do not have one favourite film, these are my favourites 'True Romance' 'The Fifth Element' 'Donnie Darko' 'Hellboy' and 'Factory Girl'
I was/am obsessed with Leeloo from the fifth element. Because of that I have a following obsession with Mila Jovovich who is well known for playing Alice in the Resident Evil movies.
I also love LOVE Resident Evil. I have the 'Extinction' Poster in my room.
I have alot of posters including a massive Sex Pistols Canvas, along with that there is Green Day, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Sid Vicious, Pulp Fiction, Red hot chilli peppers, Wolverine, Lady Gaga and MEGAN FOX.
I am in love with all things Quentin Tarantino, He wrote True Romance so in a way I'd say thats my favourite movie of his.
The 2 people I am incredibly in love with is Robert Downey Jr. and MEGAN FOX. Jennifers body<3
I also really love love love Leornardo Dicaprio.
I really like Alice in wonderland, dosn't everyone these days though..
I've seen beyonce, pink, CSS, Gwen Stefani, Mindless Self Indulgence, My Chemical Romance, Hadouken!, two door cinema club, 2 Many Dj's, Boyz Noize and Deadmau5 live <3
My Favourite band is the pixies.
closely followed by System of a down.
I have an intense love for Motley Crue.
I am VERY into grunge music. I love abit of everything, particularly beats haha but I can;t get enough of music like the pixies, nirvana, sonic youth etc.
I love Edie Sedgewick and Sid Vicious. They are my ultimate Idols.
I LOVE Katy perry. Contrary to popular belief I do not think I am/look like her and nor am I TRYING to be her. I just like using the name kitty purry (which is her cat..ive said this) I think it's cute. Also, I get told I look like her WHEN I have black hair. Not my problem.
I swear abit too much.
I have been in a 2 year relationship.
I've only ever been in love once, despite thinking I was in love once, I realised I never was until I properly fell in love. The person I thought I loved when i was 14 LOL I have no feelings for whatsoever now. funny thaaat.
I love skins, most teenagers do. However, I prefer Misfits.
Robert Sheehan who plays Nathan MAKES the show, though I do love the other characters.
I have worked on a movie WITH Robert Sheehan. It's called Killing Bono. I was in a gig scene and he was right infront of me O.o
I want to be either an actress, model, photographer or writer.
My Favourite colours are lilac, blue and pink. ALSO certain greens. I'd say lilac wins overall.
I have a lilac Blackberry :)
I have too many clothes, I'm not even saying that to sound cool or anything but I honestly do, I need to throw half of them out. My mothers too good to me.
I've been bullied 3 times in my life.
Theirs only ONE person i truly hate, I wouldnt even say hate, properly TRULY dislike.
I'm a smoker.
I used to do mephedrone, crystal meth, herbal coke..etc. for around 5/6 months. Aswell as e's, weed and dope. During that time I didn't really drink that much.
I've near died while drinking, I've been sick off drink plenty of times, but one time I drank a whole massive bottle of vodka and passed out and was still thoriwng up and retching and I can't remember any of it.
I was sniffing meph 2 days before I found out I was pregnant.
I think women should have a choice for abortions and not just keep it for the sake of keeping a child. Pregnancy is a hard thing to go through, you need to think about YOUR life and It's.
I do want to have kids when I'm older.
I used to love to drink Absinthe. It is the strongest drink I have ever had.
I first time I played the game of kings, I threw up everywhere.
I lost my virginity when i was 15. I'm not too worried if that was too much information for you haha.
I like sex.
I am on the pill now. I advise alot of girls to atleast be on something. DO NOT RELY ON CONDOMS OR THE PULL OUT METHOD ALONE.
I have an incredibly short temper these days. However I am a rather optimistic laid back person who tries not to care about the small stuff.
Most of my BEST friends are boys. I have 2 amazing girl BEST friends.
I am 18 in 5 months. January 26th to be exact.
I love comic books, Hellboy is my favourite.
I havebeen watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel since I was 6. I have every episode of both shows on tape and know basically everything about both shows.
I currently have Pink hair.
I fucking LOVE disneyland so fucking much. I have been 3 times and my fucking god, I need to go back. IT'S SO MAGICAL.
I wish i could speak french. I know very little of it :(
I love blogging.
I love staying in other boys houses, whereas I prefer girls to stay at mine. I don't know why that is.
I fucking hate the hype over things like Twilight, Justin Beiber, High school musical and Miley Cyrus.
I HATE TWILIGHT SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA. i could list of the bad points all fucking day about the books and the movies. THEY HAVE RUINED VAMPIRES. I know this as I watched Buffy all my life and watched movies like blade, lost boys, interview with a vampire...FUCKERS. i get so angry thinking about Twilight.
I am OBSESSED with Harry Potter. SHOCKINGLY i was obsessed with Robert Pattinson when he played Cedric Diggory. HE'S RUINED HIMSELF. HIM AND HIS SHIT ACTING.
anyway yes, Harry Potter is a godsent. I've read all the books atleast 3 or 4 times each. maybe more.
My favourite characters are Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange <3
I used to be called Emo/goth all the fucking time cuz I'm naturally pale with naturally dark hair. rock on.
I daydream alot. My attention span can be very short sadly.
I love reading books. I don't think I read enough.
I don't really regret anything in my life because then I wouldn't be where I am now. I've done stupid things and made mistakes yes but i wouldn't take them back or I never would have learned anything.
I'm straight. I have gay friends who are both boys and girls. I love them
Im not against gay people atall.
I've kissed girls, Im not bisexual though.
Id fancy celebrity girls though such as MEGAN FOX mmmm
I love compliments and flattery. Some people hate it, I love it. Guess it due to the fact I've been bullied many times.
I used to never be able to talk to boys or people really in general and be really shy. Im the complete opposite now. Im incredibly forward and confident. I prefer it this way if im honest.
I am a complete movie geek.
I love fashion so much.
I hate people who think there better than other people and are incredibly arrogant.
I am attracted to funny weird guys. aswell as guys who can be abit bad, are ballsy and quite confident. Oh and talk loads and can be sweet at times. Guys who can argue back with me.
I'm not attracted to shy awkward guys and guys who can't talk or arn't funny.
I don't really go for looks alone atall.
I have dated alot of skateboarders.
I generally hate girls and give off a bad vibe to them. They all annoy me unless i talk to them and i like them. If they run past me and are all giggly and generally melt me...i will probably have a face on me -.-
My favourite food is spaghetti bolognese.
I have an amazing memory. I can remember every single lyric to every song on my ipod. I can also remember so many memories that most people can't. I remember the names to alot ALOT of actors and actresses and I can remember stories really well and the names of all the buffy episodes.
Its probably why I done really good in History, I got a B in my GCSE for History.
I am absolutely dreadful at maths. I don't even try atall.
I love Video Games. I love LOVE LOVEEE The Legend of Zelda. Link is so bitchin'.
I've completed Resistance with my friend last summer, I'm also really good at Call Of Duty once I get the hang of the controller haha. I really love war games.
I'm such a guy sometimes
I am 17.
I am an aquarius
I am clean of drugs atm.
I need a smoke.

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