Wednesday 4 August 2010

Lazy, sunny mornings.

I've woken up to see sun pouring in my window. Isn't that nice?! well i think it is..though i do prefer the rain. Though i sat in that last night to make myself better. The sound of the rain makes me unbelievably ecstatic. Yes, think I'm weird all you want, caring is beyond me right now.

Went to see inception but I've already seen it and the tickets were sold out. POO. So me and Holly ended up playing house of dead in an arcade for about an hour. MY GOD WAS IT GOOD. I absolutely love house of dead. Last time i played that was with Jordan Shaw in the odyssey arcade. We were pretty flatout then but I died :( But s'all good because me and Holly were RIPPIN' last night on that shit. I wish I had the actual arcade game sitting in my house. Those guns are sexy.

Well after that we went to McDonalds where a pretty sexy lady friend of mine who works there gave me a free McFlurry. OH THAT BEAUTIFUL WEE BITCH. She has a sense of fun about her like no one else I know has, I don't think she could ever be annoyed at me, were always just too happy. It's like were in love. I think we are. LOL im talking shit now but yes I love her.

Why did we end up sitting outside the cinema again bored as fuck?
Who knows but good job we did mate as we ran into Daryl whom I never see enough despite knowing him for all my life, hanging out with him way too much and practically living in his house and being adopted by his mother :) For some random reason we ended up in his car following his friend's car to Carrick where they sat in the harbour and ate their McDonalds whilst me and Holly smoked and I became dangerously hyper. By the time he took us home we were talking complete shit and sounded drunk...we even felt drunk as we wandered up my lane at 12 in the night in the dark. IT WAS EXHILERATING.

I had a conversation on the phone for about 2-3 hours in the very early hours of the morning. He'd phoned me first but I phoned him back because I was abit upset. By the end of it though we were talking complete bullshit but yea, that was a really nice phonecall. It made me feel like it was 2 years ago and I was falling in love again. HAHA i pissed myself after I wrote that. Ahh deary me.

I'm starting to use this like twitter..

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