Thursday 15 July 2010


been reading questionsabout abortions on yahoo answers for most of the day which i find quite helpful as lots of people who have answered have had abortions themselves. A few people are fucking horrible though and write horrible disgusting things to put you off abortions, even though you know fine rightly they arn't that bad..they really don't need to describe it as 'they suck bits of your baby out while it cries and screams' well isn't that just lovely and pretty much NOT THE FUCKING CASE AT ALL.

I don;t understand these 'pro-life' people who protest outside abortion clinics. I mean jesus christ, women have rights and should have the choice to keep the pregnancy or not. Standing outside clinic's protesting will make you feel uncomfortable and awkward and really not the kind of support you need at that time. I truly find these people disgraceful as people who have abortions do not force every single other pregnant person into having an abortion. Imagine being pregnant and people protesting outside a hospital telling you to have a fucking abortion? Yeah thats completely insane isn't it...but bottom line is, thats what their fucking doing in the contrast of things.

One stupid woman properly tried to make this woman feel bad for asking a simple abortion question even though the woman explained in her question 'Before you go making me feel bad about this, I used a condom which obviously was not effective, I am still in school and am no longer with my boyfriend and i feel this is completely the right choice'
how fucking deluded is that? So i suppose every man in the world is only having sex to be pregnant? And everytime anyone has had sex it WASN'T for pleasure but just to get pregnant?
THE WOMAN OBVIOUSLY USED CONTRACEPTIVE..contraceptive is made for the purpose of having sex for pleasure. It is, in some cases, not effective. That does not mean the person is fucking stupid.

I myself have had to use the morning after pill around 3 times simply because the condom split 3 times.

Some other CUNT of a woman said 'do you realise how much of a skank you sound?' WOULD THEY GET THE FUCK OVER THEMSELVES. PREGNANCY IS NOT THE EASIEST THING TO GO THROUGH WHEN YOUR YOUNG AT ALL. oh but sure we have to give a little small clump of forming cells the chance for life because of your mistake. I do not say that in a nasty way, I just find it demeaning that they say GIVE THEM THE CHANCE FOR LIFE. Them being women, you'd think they'd know pregnancy is not an easy thing to go through, what with physical changes, the stress and the fact you go through labour and an immense amount of pain to bring him/her into the world...and were supposed to be forced to do that even though were not ready? and may regret having the child? and be a single mother?
also the whole 'give it up for adoption to people who want children' GET THE FUCK. I PERSONALLY do not want to go through 9 months of pregnancy with my own child to give it the fuck away. I created that, It's mine. I'd be crying all the time if I had to give it away. I may not be able to cope with it but that would emotionally wreck you passing it on to strangers after 9 months of that!

would they just actually fucking be realistic for once and calm down. Pregnancy and abortion are both not easy things to go through and we should have the choice for which one we feel more comfortable with.

Lastly, I am going to go for an abortion in less than 2 days, It is the smaller surgical abortion as I am only around 2 months. I was very fucking stupid for having sex with an ex who I had been on and off with and who I had been very much in love with. He has put me through fucking hell ever since I told him i was pregnant. Starting off with him shouting at me because I didn't seem stressed, telling me he hated me, then saying he didn't believe I was and the only reason he's talking to me is because I'm pregnant. Then after less than a week i spoke to him in real life and he talked to me alot more and was asking more about the pregnancy and stuff, I then ended up in his house talking things over and he told me he still loved me and alot of other emotional bullshit. This was only a week ago. Then after that I was fucking ignored and he went after his other ex he had been seeing a while ago for afew months (may i also add we have been on and off for the past half a year and before that we were going out and in love for 2 years) RIGHT INFRONT OF MY FACE. so i told him where to go and walked off. Then he started talking to me on msn as if nothing happened and I got very annoyed at this and he told me 'nothing happened when you were at my house' and when i said he was lying and he said all that stuff and was being so affectionate and to stop lying he said 'im not lying' so yeah naturally I cracked the fuck up yet again as he had been nothing but a STUPID CUNT throughout this pregnancy. He then went on to tell me to 'fuck off and go make people feel sorry for me because im pregnant' Oh isn't that nice.

So really the people who try and make you feel bad for wanting an abortion can SHOVE IT. Because alot of young girls and women are in a bad situation and are nowhere near ready to bring a child into their life. I personally would not want to have this child without a father. I did not picture my life going this way and I am gonna suffer for my mistake because I have to get an abortion now and that is not easy. And i know i love this wee kid alot but honestly I could not cope with it and do not in any way want to give it a bad life or give it away to someone else. I know i will be abit sad and unhappy after the abortion but all in all I KNOW IT IS THE RIGHT CHOICE.

so enough with your pro-life bullshit and making people feel bad because their going through enough as it is. Probably alot more shit you'll EVER have to go for in your life. I'm really angry at all the comments I read and how I've been treated so here's a big FUCK YOU to guys who fuck around girls (specially pregnant girls they used to be in love with) and to pro-life wankers who feel the need to talk absolute SHITE and make people feel like crap when their already going through a bad enough time.

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