Wednesday 1 September 2010

not one for the dramatics

im sick of people assuming im doing shit against them or that im trying to make things all about me. I barely ever start fights with people or ever try and make them feel like shit or pick out THEIR flaws. I never want to judge, i dont see the point. I can't be fucked with drama or my feelings anymore. I'm pretty chilled, HONESTLY. All anyone annoyings doing is just that, ANNOYING me. If something dosn't go to plan or someone starts some shit, I actually can't be arsed. Not trying to make anything about me but I've been through alot lately, and I don't really talk about it, I most pretend everything is A Okay. And most of the time it is, until i listen to everyone else's shit and i get brought down and complained at. I should really, after what I've went through, be focusing more on myself. So fuck that, I want to live my own life.

I'm too easily forgiving. note to self: stop that.

I'm doneee and im happy.

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