Wednesday 1 September 2010


don't you girls ever get sick of being called a slut or a whore at some point or another in your life? I don't get where guys get the right to say that just because you kiss alot of guys or have had sex with a few. Even having sex with alot of guys wouldn't make you a whore. I wouldn't know, I havn't honestly had sex with alot of people. I'd say to be a whore you'd have to just be desperate and sleep with anyone and dress all slutty.

so many girls get called whore's and sluts these days just for going with afew guys. And it's always guys who say it, yet their the ones always thinking about sex and going with anything with a pulse. Why do they get away with it? I was thinking about it and i'm pretty sick of it considering I havn't went out with many ppl, i went out with someone for 2 years who i'm getting back with. Yes, i've had problems with him, how would that make me a whore tho..or a slut? I've had a few bad drunken encounters with guys..about 3 times at the most. Nothing I'm proud of or look back fondly on..or even would I have done sober, hell no! But my god, isn't this generation meant to talk about sex freely and explore all that sexual bullshit?

i spose that's how it goes though and always has. Throughout time women have been frowned upon no matter what, guess every girl has to deal with being called names they know their definatly not.

their is sucha lack of respect i guess.
though ive realised not too many people care about my feelings anyway.

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