Thursday 2 September 2010

i dont think i have enough

i have too many clothes, but i want more. I really really want more. I am so obsessed with fashion just I don't talk about it. I constantly look up stuff about it, try on clothes and have about 50 million fashion magazines stacked in my room. I just can't get enough of it.

I would do anything to be a famous fashion model living in Paris right now. how beautiful would that be?

On a less brighter note, i am so confused on which hair colours I want. It's driving me absolutely insane. I love the pink but I need to do more with it. I think I might bleach it so that it goes a very pale pale pink and ill put pale pink hair dye over the top of it aswell so it'll all be even.
Looking at pictures of Katy Perry's dark hair is so so tempting. Then I go and look at Audrey Kitching again and get confused. I don't think there will ever be a moment in my life where I will be ecstatically happy with my hair colour..well it never lasts for over a week anyway.

I want to start reading more again.
Also I think its about time I listened to that Echo and the bunnymen cd my ex bought me for christmas.

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