Friday 3 September 2010

Circle The Drain

How strange, this songs about being in love with someone addicted to drugs..
I like it. Wonder who it's about for her...Travis I guess

This is the last time you say,
After the last line you break,
It's not even a holiday,
Nothing to celebrate.
You give a hundred reasons why,
And you say you're really gonna try.
If I had a nickel for everytime,
I'd overbank.

Thought that I was the exception,
I could have rewrite your addiction,
You could've been the greatest,
But you'd rather get wasted.

You fall asleep during foreplay,
'Cause the pills you take, are more your forte.
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down.
Wanna be your lover, not your fucking' mother.
Can't be your saviour, I don't have the power.
I'm not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain,
Watch you circle the drain,
Watch you circle the drain.

You say you have to write your rhymes,
Whatever helps you sleep at night
You've become what you despise,
A stereotype
You think you're so rock and roll,
But you're really just a joke.
Had the world in the palm of your hands,
But you fucking choked
Should've been my team mate,
Could've changed your fate,
You say that you love me,
You won't remember in the morning.

You fall asleep during foreplay,
'Cause the pills you take, are more your forte.
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down.
Wanna be your lover, not your fucking mother.
Can't be your saviour, I don't have the power.
I'm not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain,
Watch you circle the drain,
Watch you circle the drain.

You fall asleep during foreplay,
'Cause the pills you take, are more your forte.
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down.
Wanna be your lover, not your fucking mother.
Can't be your saviour, I don't have the power.
I'm not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain,
Watch you circle the drain,
Watch you circle the drain.
Watch you circle the drain,
Watch you circle the drain.
You fall asleep during foreplay,
'Cause the pills you take, are more your forte.
I'm not sticking around to watch you go down.

Thursday 2 September 2010

hum de dum

considering taking a wee gap year, gettin' a job and learning how to drive. sounds like the right idea for me :)

got my injection today, it was only on my hip, thank god. I kept thinking it was going to be right down on my bum LOL wasn't too painful, im pretty good with injections anyway thankfully.

went into asda after with my mum and got loads of pasta :D and INGLORIOUS BASTERDS, for only £5, finally completed my Quentin Tarantino collection *dances* I LOVE HIM.

I'm getting way too into blogging again. LIFE IS GOOD ATM :)


I'm obsessed with the colour pink. Specially sparkly, glittery pink things. It's not my favourite colour though

I have still not seen Scott Pilgrim yet..

My Name Is Alice..

fuck yous


why is my bedroom so sexy. why is my bed so fucking sexy.
why do i look so shit? aha

i dont think i have enough

i have too many clothes, but i want more. I really really want more. I am so obsessed with fashion just I don't talk about it. I constantly look up stuff about it, try on clothes and have about 50 million fashion magazines stacked in my room. I just can't get enough of it.

I would do anything to be a famous fashion model living in Paris right now. how beautiful would that be?

On a less brighter note, i am so confused on which hair colours I want. It's driving me absolutely insane. I love the pink but I need to do more with it. I think I might bleach it so that it goes a very pale pale pink and ill put pale pink hair dye over the top of it aswell so it'll all be even.
Looking at pictures of Katy Perry's dark hair is so so tempting. Then I go and look at Audrey Kitching again and get confused. I don't think there will ever be a moment in my life where I will be ecstatically happy with my hair colour..well it never lasts for over a week anyway.

I want to start reading more again.
Also I think its about time I listened to that Echo and the bunnymen cd my ex bought me for christmas.

Wednesday 1 September 2010


1.21 now in the morning
and im chillin',
with some chips and a bottle of magners
and watching family guy season 5.

all is well.

oh ho ho

I havn't really talked about my acid trip atall last week. Then again why should I, id just get judged. nyahaaaa. na im not gonna atm.

anywaaaay, im staring at my hello kitty pillow. OH YES I HAVE A HELLO KITTY PILLOW.
im pretty bored, i was meant to go to bed early because I was tired but then i got distracted talking to people, skyping with chris and laughing at old pictures with holly.

I'm contemplating watching family guy. Also loving Ultimate Big Brother. I stopped watching big brother bout a year or 2 ago. I found the people were becoming more boring and i lost interest. Ultimate big brother though (y) ITS GREAT. well I think it is. Brian dowling makes me laugh alot.

I need to stop spending money, I want my fucking hamster. Chris dosn't think I'll be able to look after it, well fuck you and your million animals in your room. 'should I get a snake or a baby turtle?' 'snake' 'ill get the turtle then..awk but the wee turtle?' 'get the turtle then' 'but yenoe you hold a snake and look cool as fuck' 'whatever you hold, you will not look cool as fuck, just gay' 'nah, thats only when i hold you'

have to say, touche. I laughed when he said that back. I've been laughing all night, especially at the pics. Oh i think I'm in a good mood, oh yes, i think I am :)


don't you girls ever get sick of being called a slut or a whore at some point or another in your life? I don't get where guys get the right to say that just because you kiss alot of guys or have had sex with a few. Even having sex with alot of guys wouldn't make you a whore. I wouldn't know, I havn't honestly had sex with alot of people. I'd say to be a whore you'd have to just be desperate and sleep with anyone and dress all slutty.

so many girls get called whore's and sluts these days just for going with afew guys. And it's always guys who say it, yet their the ones always thinking about sex and going with anything with a pulse. Why do they get away with it? I was thinking about it and i'm pretty sick of it considering I havn't went out with many ppl, i went out with someone for 2 years who i'm getting back with. Yes, i've had problems with him, how would that make me a whore tho..or a slut? I've had a few bad drunken encounters with guys..about 3 times at the most. Nothing I'm proud of or look back fondly on..or even would I have done sober, hell no! But my god, isn't this generation meant to talk about sex freely and explore all that sexual bullshit?

i spose that's how it goes though and always has. Throughout time women have been frowned upon no matter what, guess every girl has to deal with being called names they know their definatly not.

their is sucha lack of respect i guess.
though ive realised not too many people care about my feelings anyway.

not one for the dramatics

im sick of people assuming im doing shit against them or that im trying to make things all about me. I barely ever start fights with people or ever try and make them feel like shit or pick out THEIR flaws. I never want to judge, i dont see the point. I can't be fucked with drama or my feelings anymore. I'm pretty chilled, HONESTLY. All anyone annoyings doing is just that, ANNOYING me. If something dosn't go to plan or someone starts some shit, I actually can't be arsed. Not trying to make anything about me but I've been through alot lately, and I don't really talk about it, I most pretend everything is A Okay. And most of the time it is, until i listen to everyone else's shit and i get brought down and complained at. I should really, after what I've went through, be focusing more on myself. So fuck that, I want to live my own life.

I'm too easily forgiving. note to self: stop that.

I'm doneee and im happy.